******April 2021 Update******

Work has nearly finished at HQ. Some finishing touches are required and as soon as lockdown restrictions are lifted we should be able ot officially open the clubhouse

******January 2021 Update******

Whilst progress has slowed due to Covid-19 restrictions the contractor is expecting to finish around the end of January.  With the exception of the new front entrance canopy all major works are complete with just final decorations and flooring to do.  The project is still within budget so we are able to carry out some maintenance/ freshening up work such as new double glazed windows and redecoration as well. With double the space its really starting to look great and we are actively looking into making more use of the space with activity programmes when we can. If there are any members with a health/fitness qualification that may have ideas/ be interested in using it please let us know.


******April 2020 Update******

Work is well underway on the clubhouse extension although it is currently suspended due to the Co-Vid 19 situation. Excellent progress was being made prior to this so hopefully this will not impact on the completion date too badly

******July 2019 Update******

The work has been sent out for tender and all interested parties have returned their submissions. These are currently being reviewed by the Quantity Surveyor to make sure Orion Harriers get the very best deal they can..Update to follow….

******March 2019 Update******

Four years ago the Club Committee took the momentous decision to push ahead with the clubhouse extension project and finally we have been awarded a £95,000 grant from the London Marathon Charitable Trust (LMCT).
Since we moved to our new HQ, Jubilee Retreat, some nine years ago, aided by funding from LMCT, we have seen exponential growth in both our junior and senior membership and the clubhouse extension will helps us to facilitate this, to grow even more in the future, offer fitness classes and continue to drive the improvements in the local community’s physical and mental well-being.
Although we are only half-way there, we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has donated and helped to raise funds towards this project. In particular, we would like to say a huge thank you to Grant Corton, who has put in a tremendous amount of work behind the scenes for the club, with several set-backs along the way, to get us to this stage.

The Club committee will hold a “Town-hall” style meeting on Saturday 23rd March @ 11am  at the clubhouse to give members the chance to ask questions and see the latest updates on the project. A glass of Prosecco will be on offer to celebrate this significant moment.

There is still a huge amount of work to be done on this project and we will need all the help we can get. If you think that you could volunteer some of your professional services or skills to the club to help us on the project then please get in touch with Grant or come along to the meeting grantc@lom-fdp.com

******December 2018 Update******

Sport England unfortunately rejected our application for £65k but we are still pursuing our application with the London Marathon Charitable Trust (£95k).  We have reduced the proposed floor area by 20%, thereby cutting the estimated total cost of the project to £160k-£180k.  This would still almost triple the floor space available to us (and increase storage).  The balance would need to come from our own resources.  There may be opportunities to reduce costs further by using club labour were appropriate.

We are submitting our stage 2 application to LMCT in November.  They had been unsure whether they could support us because of the shortness of our lease but we are making good progress with the Corporation to increase the lease to 15 years (they can now do this because of amendments to the Epping Forest Act).

There is still some paperwork to do before November, in particular explaining to LMCT how we will open up the facilities to third parties.  Dave Cracknell expressing concern that we will lose control of the club house but Grant explaining that we are only looking at groups which already have a close relationship with the club (e.g. Nordic walking; Jane’s toddler group, etc.)  Quin would like more detail from Grant on what the conditions are to LMCT’s funding and how they would monitor use of our facilities.  Jennifer Foot querying whether the club could make money from these other groups but it is felt that this would not be within the spirit of our application and we would only be looking to cover our costs.

Club House Extension

As everyone is probably aware we are proposing to extend the clubhouse to provide larger and improved changing facilities and communal areas to cope with current  membership numbers and predicted growth.

This will enable us to expand /improve our junior running and athletics programmes  along with our beginners running programmes. Expanding these areas would also enable us to run complimentary classes such as Yoga and Pilates to help with injury prevention and rehab as well as holding our own social functions.

We  have applied for funding from The London Marathon  Trust but will still need to raise at least £50K ourselves. We are hoping to be in a position to start on site in May 2017 and are starting  fundraising with an Orion Quiz night on 18th November.  We would welcome  any fundraising  ideas ,  events  as well as individual donations.  It’s a great opportunity for all of us at Orion to really improve our club for ourselves and our children and ensure Orion’s future success.
