The Mercury

The Mercury is a tough 10 mile cross country race through Epping Forest which also incorporates one of the club handicap races. The 101st race takes place 13th January 2024

A brief history of the Orion Mercury

Testimonial from John Hoy – Club Captain 1978/1983


Having been a member of Orion since 1968, I would like to compliment and thank all those present members and helpers who made the 100th Mercury such a great success. I know from experience how much planning and effort is required from the top down to make these events happen.
It was a great pleasure and privilege to be invited back to run the race again at age 77 – 54 years after I had first run the race in 1969 – and I was delighted to find that the old camararderie was still there. The organisation was superb, and the officials and marshals were outstanding, with so much support and patience for us slower runners.
There were only about a hundred members when I first became Club Captain and the Club was run on a shoestring. However, the start of the London Marathons in 1981 changed that considerably and we had over two hundred members by the end of my term as Club Captain. The Club played a considerable role in the organisation and manning of the first London Marathon – as well as about a dozen of us running it.
It gives us older members enormous pleasure when reading about the great achievements of our present athletes and, personally as a Pilates Instructor, to see that Pilates is now available in the Club House.
They say the Orion they ain’t got no style, but I am delighted to see that they are wrong and that ORION ARE STILL STYLE ALL THE WHILE!